Thursday, 4 October 2012



                                                       A major world Hare, the Arctic hare (Lepus arcticus) has a distinctive coat, white summer uniform, plus the tips of each ear, which are black. The thick white skin provides warmth around snowy camouflage against the Arctic Hare. After the spring molt, skin southern population is replaced by a shorter gray-brown skin . Northern populations move also short coat, but retain the white color throughout the year . The female Arctic hare is larger than the male, and also begins to move in early spring.


                                                          The Arctic hare is threatened by loss of habitat in the southern part of its range, and unrestricted hunting in certain areas. It may also be threatened in the future due to climate change. However, the Arctic hare is not currently believed to be at high risk of extinction due to any of these factors.


                                                               The Arctic hare is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List.


                 The Arctic hare is found predominantly in the slopes and rocky areas of Arctic tundra, where there is no tree cover. This species lives mainly on the ground, but occasionally create dense or use natural shelters during periods of cold weather. During the winter, the Arctic hare has been known to move in forest habitats.



Some parts of the range of the Arctic hare have seasonal limits on catch levels for this species .No others are known to be specific conservation measures currently in place for the Arctic hare.

                  graphic of status:



                            the food: 

An omnivorous species, the diet of the Arctic hare is primarily composed of woody plants as the Arctic willow (Salix arctica),  and grasses, herbs, berries, buds, shrubs and lichens. An opportunistic feeder, the Arctic hare can also eat small animals and carrion . This species has a keen sense of smell, which allows you to locate and dig for food in the snow .